School Store Volunteers
9/19/2024 9:54 pm
-Seeking volunteers for the OP School Store 2024-2025! This is a fun and easy way to volunteer and get to see your kiddos as they pass by or come shop the store!
-The OP School Store will be open 5 days/week starting the week of 9/16/24
-Times needed: 7:30am-8:15/8:20am. It would be great to have as many volunteers as possible but having regularly scheduled weekly volunteers is helpful too!
OP Knights Clubs
9/10/2024 10:07 am
We've updated our OP before and after school CLUB offerings for Fall 2024! Visit to explore the options available for your child and register today!!

Coffee and Conversation
9/6/2024 10:14 pm
Join Principal Arledge on Tuesday, September 10th at 7:45 am in the OPE Media Center to discuss school safety and the start of the school year!
Little Heroes Blood Drive
9/4/2024 11:19 am
In honor of a special OP family, please visit the Windyrush Little Heroes Blood Drive September 20th from 11am-6pm! Sign up to donate here: Blood Donor Link
Join the PTA!!
9/3/2024 9:12 am
Joining the Olde Providence Elementary PTA means you can have a direct say in how we allocate funds, choose programs and activities for student enrichment and support our children and teachers. Your involvement helps build a stronger school and strengthen our community. When you join the OP PTA you will also become a member of the NCPTA and the National PTA, the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America.
Arrival Reminders
8/25/2024 3:28 pm
School starts back TOMORROW and we need your help to ensure a smooth first day of drop-off and pick-up at OP! Here are a few reminders:
-Parents may walk their students to the main entrance if they wish but for the safety of all students, parents will not be able to enter the building. Please be assured that we have staff and volunteers ready to assist if any students need help finding their classrooms or with anything else.
-Please don't allow students to get out of the car (passenger side only) until the bell rings at 7:45 AM and staff are ready to greet them. The carpool line may be very busy the first few days, but should improve throughout the week!
-Submit the 3-5 Walker Waiver google form HERE if you want to give permission for your child/children to walk or ride their bike home without an adult.
-If you park in the OP Neighborhood and walk, please be kind to your neighbors and don't block driveways and park at least 50 ft from stop signs.
-Don't forget your Car Tags and Walker Cards for afternoon pick up!
Back to School Events
8/17/2024 8:57 am
The beginning of school is just around the corner and we want to make sure you mark your calendar for all of these important events!

Back to School
8/16/2024 9:55 am
School Starts Back on August 26th! Get Back to School Ready now!!-
-Register on the PTA website / sign-up for the Eblast
-Join the PTA
-CMS volunteer registration - must renew yearly
-(Re) Load your Harris Teeter Vic card (OP is #1076) & Publix Partners membership
-Riding the bus? Download the Here Comes the Bus app - school code is 73877
-Make sure you are connected to ParentSquare to get important updates from our school
-Is your student buying lunch? Fund your PayPams account!
-Get your OP Spirit Wear to start school in style!
The OP PTA has created a handy-dandy Cheat Sheet to help you get Back-To-School Ready and check all of these items off of your list! Find it here: