PTA General Meeting
2/18/2024 6:49 pm
It's time for the 2023-2024 mid-year PTA general meeting!
Please join us on Monday, February 26th at 7pm!
*Zoom link will be sent out the day of the meeting
We will go over current happenings, upcoming events and hear from an expert on internet safety for our kids!
Canned Food Drive
11/13/2023 8:58 am
The Student Council's annual canned food drive ends this Friday!
Fall Festival
10/10/2023 12:28 pm
The OP PTA invites you to this year's Fall Festival on Friday, October 20th, from 6-8pm! This year’s line up includes food trucks, DJ, pumpkin games, sports, the opportunity to dunk OP teachers, and MORE!
Family wristbands and pre-purchased raffle tickets will be sent home with your students! You can revisit the link and purchase more raffle tickets any time before it closes on 10/17.
Together We Grow Begins Today!
10/2/2023 9:35 am

CMS Introduces ParentSquare!
8/26/2023 4:09 pm
CMS has implemented a new communication tool called ParentSquare! Please download the app to ensure you receive all communication and keep reading for more info!
How to Activate Your Account
Olde Providence Elementary has your email and/or phone number in their records and they will initiate the setup process.
You will receive an invitation email and/or text with a link to activate your ParentSquare account.
Enter the phone number or email address that is on record for your child(ren).
If your phone number or email address does not work, please make sure your information is up to date with school. To update your information, click on the following link: Parent Information Change Form.
Please allow 24 to 48 hours after your request for change to access the app.
Note: Accounts must be activated using a web browser (Google Chrome or Safari) before using the ParentSquare app.
How to activate by email:
Click on Activate your Account from your email invitation.
Didn't receive an email? Check your junk mail or spam. Make sure your information is up to date with the school.
To update your information, click on the link: Parent Information Change Form.
Please allow 24 to 48 hours after your request for change to access the app.
How to activate via text:
Click on the registration link from the text.
Didn't get a text? Make sure your information is up to date with the school.
To update your information, click on the link: Parent Information Change Form.
Please allow 24 to 48 hours after your request for change to access the app.
The Summer is for Gardening!
6/5/2023 8:30 am
Come enjoy OP's bounty! Kindergarten, first and second grade classes have concluded their garden investigations, and over the summer, OP's garden becomes a community garden for all of our friends, family, and neighbors to enjoy! Your students have learned about plants, animals and all things garden, and now it is time for your to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Everyone is invited to come harvest whatever is ripe in the garden. We have squash, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, cucumbers, basil, parsley and more. The more you pick, the more the garden will thrive. We only ask that you do not pick flowers. If you don't understand why, ask your student. We welcome families to bring water for the garden and to help weed over the summer. We remind students of lessons learned in kindergarten about wants versus needs. Please pick what you are able to eat and leave the rest for others or come back later. We hope you all have a fabulous summer and that you visit the gardens, so your students can teach you what they've learned and show you a project that they have worked hard on for the last three months. They are so proud of their gardens and would love to show them off! Any questions, please reach out to heather_bullock[at]bellsouth[dot]net.
Huge thank you to Mrs. Bullock for creating such a wonderful garden for our students to learn about and help grow and tend to!
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A New Story in the OP Storywalk!
6/5/2023 8:26 am
Come enjoy Cartolessia and the Magical Garden, a story written and illustrated by OP's kindergarten, first, and second grade classes. This is a result of a creative writing activity students worked on in the garden with Mrs. Bullock. We are so proud of your students' collaborative efforts in creating this. They had tons of great ideas, and their pictures bring the story to life. This story will be installed in OP's StoryWalk. The StoryWalk has fifteen numbered stations. It starts at the flagpole, heads toward the media center and wraps the whole way around the building with the fifteenth station in front of the technology trailer in the back of the building.
Make sure you check it out!
OP Principal Profile Meeting
5/1/2023 8:51 pm
Dear Olde Providence Elementary Community,
As you are probably aware, Principal Johanson announced her retirement effective July 1st. We thank Principal Johanson for her leadership and commitment to our students, staff, and families at Olde Providence, and we wish her all of the best in retirement.
The Central Learning Community is requesting your participation in the principal hiring process for Olde Providence Elementary School. We would like to invite you to attend the Principal Profile meeting scheduled for Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6:00p.m via zoom. The Zoom link is provided below.
As a part of the principal profile meeting, the Central Learning Community will present information to you as it relates to the principal hiring process in CMS, and we will also ask you for your feedback regarding the leadership characteristics that you are looking for in the next principal for Olde Providence Elementary.
The process should take about 90 minutes. Your presence at the virtual meeting is voluntary and if you are unable to attend at the scheduled time, you will have the opportunity to give your feedback through a survey that will be communicated at a later date. You can find the zoom link information below. Please let the Central Learning Community (980-343-0603) know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention.
Laura Rosenbach, Phd
Community Superintendent
Central Learning Community
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools