Picture Day is Coming!
9/12/2022 2:09 pm
Link to place pre-order: https://classicphotographyimaging.simplephoto.com/search/oldeprov2022
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Green Team Volunteers Needed
9/4/2022 5:29 pm
Are you an avid recycler and interested in a rewarding experience working with OP students to collect recyclables from classrooms? This is a great way to kick off your day!
Our students love this opportunity to be industrious leaders in their school while making the world a better place. We are looking for at least 4 volunteers to supervise and manage OP's Green Team. Green Team meets on Wednesday and Friday mornings, so we will need 2 adults for each day. Each volunteer will have approximately 4 students to instruct and supervise while they collect recyclables from classrooms and take them to the dumpster.
Volunteers must arrive by 7:55am and sign in with lobby guard, so they are ready to start at 8:00am. Students should complete tasks by 8:30am, so they can return to their classroom for instruction at this time. Your teacher contact will be Mrs. Sebo.
Please contact Heather Bullock(heather_bullock@
*MUST be a CMS registered volunteer. cmsvolunteers.com
Read MoreAttention: Second Grade Parents
8/31/2022 12:52 pm
Second grade parents! Do you have questions about the CMS gifted testing and identification process? Our Talent Development teacher, Ms. Hoerning, is inviting you to come to an information session! This meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 6th at 3:30 in the Media Center. You received communication about this meeting in your child's Open House envelope (green paper, which can also be accessed here). She is looking forward to reviewing the steps in the process and answering questions!
Read MoreRe-Register as a Volunteer
8/11/2022 3:52 pm
In order to serve as an OP volunteer, in a classroom, field trip or PTA setting, you must be a registered CMS Volunteer. It can take a few days for your registration to be approved, so please do it now and then you'll be set for the whole year! We would hate to turn you away and it's for the safety of our children.
*If you registered as a volunteer for a previous school year, you still need to renew your volunteer status each school year!
Read MoreA Message from Principal Johanson
5/25/2022 12:00 am
Dear families,
The heartbreaking tragedy that occurred in Texas yesterday is unfathomable and difficult to comprehend. Our most important role in the next few days is to support our students and ensure their emotional well-being.
Children have more access to information than ever before, and parents have less ability to filter. We recognize that many students will come to school today needing reassurance, while others will have no knowledge of what has occurred. Our staff members have experience responding to students with different needs in many situations.
We want families to be aware of our response plan today. School staff will be monitoring students and actively listening to conversations to understand where support and reassurance are needed. Below is our approach to assuring all students feel safe at school:
- We will support our students by listening and reassuring them of the ways we keep them safe.
- We will actively monitor children while arriving and getting settled in the morning. Younger kids (especially)
can't hold in pressing thoughts for long. - If students mention the situation, the teacher will call them away and ask how they are feeling about what they
know. - Teachers and staff will affirm students’ feelings as a natural response and let them know that we understand if
they are scared, sad, mad, anxious or have other emotions. - We will reassure them that they are safe and remind them of the many safety measures we have in place:
secured classrooms, screening adults/visitors before entering campus and requiring a sign-in and a badge, adults
monitoring hallways, police officers and security associates on campus or nearby.
Below are resources for talking with children about violence and responding to tragedy in the news. We are here to support your children and take safety very seriously. Please be assured students will be monitored and nurtured, as needed, during this difficult time.
- Talking to Children About Violence
- How to Talk About Violence in the News
- Compassion and Acceptance in Crisis
Please email your child's teacher, grade level counselor, or me if your child needs additional support or reassurance to feel safe at school. We are here to support you. Your child’s well-being and safety are our top priority.
Patricia M. Johanson
Patricia M. Johanson, principal
2022-2023 Committee Signups
5/12/2022 4:40 pm
Open form here: https://forms.gle/B8FoMbEaLU2hCCM28
Committee List with Current Signups: https://tinyurl.com/OPPTA2223
Committee Descriptions: https://tinyurl.com/OPcommdescriptions
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HH Closet Clothing Drive
5/11/2022 5:48 pm
Help us kick off our newest committee - the Helping Hands Closet!
In addition Nurse Dixie can use new underwear and smaller unisex pant/short sizes (5-7).
Our sister school Idlewild can use new uniforms:
khaki pants
navy pants
white polo shirts (long or short sleeves)
navy polo shirts
light blue polo shirts
6707 Summerlin Place
Saturday May 21 from 1-3p
OP Teacher of the Year
1/31/2022 1:25 pm
Congratulations to Mrs. Gath, our OP Teacher of the Year! Thank you for all you do for OP!
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Student Safety Online
1/31/2022 9:27 am
Thank you to everyone who attended Thursday's PTA meeting! Mr. Harrison provided a powerpoint with so much useful information on internet safety and we want to make sure everyone has the chance to look through it.
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Hats, Mittens & Glove Drive Success!
1/31/2022 9:24 am
The 4th and 5th grade Student Council mitten drive ended on Friday and they had several boxes of gear to give to those in our community who need it! Thank you, OP families, for always giving so generously, whether it’s for our students, staff or our community!
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