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Student Council!
10/27/2022 10:58 am
Congratulations to OP's 2022-2023 Student Council! Your 4th and 5th grade leaders this year are:
President — Bennet R.
Vice President — Samuel W.
Secretary — Blake E.
Media Coordinator — Aubrey E.
Class Representatives — Emilie C., Kairi B., Alice S., Maisie H., Marae B., Sloane T., Lorelei R., and Tyson M.
The Student Council is having their annual canned food drive to help Loaves & Fishes starting TOMORROW, 10/28 until 11/19!
Please help another family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and bring in canned meat, pasta, veggies, or fruit.
Just remember — NO GLASS!
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, December 26
- Friday, December 27
- Saturday, December 28
- Sunday, December 29
- Monday, December 30