The Summer is for Gardening!
6/5/2023 8:30 am
Come enjoy OP's bounty! Kindergarten, first and second grade classes have concluded their garden investigations, and over the summer, OP's garden becomes a community garden for all of our friends, family, and neighbors to enjoy! Your students have learned about plants, animals and all things garden, and now it is time for your to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Everyone is invited to come harvest whatever is ripe in the garden. We have squash, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, cucumbers, basil, parsley and more. The more you pick, the more the garden will thrive. We only ask that you do not pick flowers. If you don't understand why, ask your student. We welcome families to bring water for the garden and to help weed over the summer. We remind students of lessons learned in kindergarten about wants versus needs. Please pick what you are able to eat and leave the rest for others or come back later. We hope you all have a fabulous summer and that you visit the gardens, so your students can teach you what they've learned and show you a project that they have worked hard on for the last three months. They are so proud of their gardens and would love to show them off! Any questions, please reach out to heather_bullock[at]bellsouth[dot]net.
Huge thank you to Mrs. Bullock for creating such a wonderful garden for our students to learn about and help grow and tend to!
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, March 15
- Sunday, March 16
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18